The Bosky Blog

August, 2024

August Bosky-ness

Heather Sargeant

Summer breaks

The holidays are here, exam results season is underway and planning and prep is well and truly looming for many teachers I know. 

Those things alongside your summer plans, you might have minimal time to read this! So I am aiming for less than a 5-minute read. And the format will be a 3-2-1 type format for now. So here are 3 photos, 2 links and 1 freebie.

Photo 1:

A photo of a Flexicurve ruler and a hurling ball on a wooden table top.

  1. When he last visited our home, my dad sneakily left two things for my children. At first, I thought this was a bit leftfield however these two things provoked interesting chat with my youngest. We discussed the ways we draw curved lines and whether you could make a circle with this tool. (Yes, you can!) We also talked about when we had visited Ireland and seen a family playing with hurling sticks and balls in a park. What I learnt = sometimes you don’t know the use or value of something until you (or someone else!) bring it into your life. I’m wondering about AI in this way. How can I discover its usefulness without getting sucked into a blackhole of time?

Photo 2:

A pin badge which says 'You're Doing Great'

2. A little reminder that life this coming term will most probably get busy and, whether you are a parent or a teacher or neither (just adulting in general), it’s okay to prioritise and regularly re-prioritise. I was grateful for seeing this pin badge!

Photo 3: 

A maze game with different colour blocks: green, yellow, red and blue. At the top there is a gap and the word 'start' and at the bottom of the photo there is another gap with the word 'Finish'.

3. It is already well into the new financial year. At about this time of summer, I used to start to think about what was coming in the next academic year – I’d be starting to switch on a bit after crashing with tiredness at the end of last term! If you want to take a look at my Spelling workbooks, then this is the link.

2 Links:

I love these ideas for self-care for children and young people. They are produced by Anna Freud so you can trust they’ve come from a good place.

If you are a teacher moving into Year 6, here is a brilliant list of books for Year 6 by Jon Biddle from the Talk4Writing website. It’s a brilliant place to start if you want to prepare yourself with some good books to recommend.

1 freebie

I have a free poster for you about using problem solving skills. It is aimed at being printed off and used in a classroom environment but of course it doesn’t have to be. If you stick this up in your space, then please show me on Instagram and tag #boskypublishing or @bosky_pub *or* feel free to send it on to an educator friend.

Bye for now and have a great rest of August and holiday if you have one coming up,


P.S. I am taking a break during the last 2 weeks of August. As I do all my own distribution, you can order but I won’t be able to deliver until right at the end of August.

P.P.S. The top photo is E.B. Clarke’s travel journal, ‘You are here.’ If you know someone preparing for a gap year or other travel adventures in September then ‘You are here.’ is a brilliant gift. It is crafted by E.B. Clarke and is both witty and mindful. You can find it on our website shop. 

P.P.P.S If you love Scotland and wildlife and writing, this competition might be your cup of tea!

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